The Continentals – A Cappella


Finally, it has been released. There was some delay as the producer Leen La Rivière was ill. It is a unique production.: a collection of all the A Cappella Songs the Continentals ever did (from the beginning in 1965 till today). And the result is incredible: a great production. Everybody will enjoy listening to it. When you close your eyes, you feel yourself in one of Europe’s great cathedrals, the sunlight coming through the stained glass windows. You are there with a lot of people and you listen to these breathtaking compositions. And so it happened in real-time in the great cathedrals of Poland in the eighties… The CD has 13 songs




  1. Holy, Holy, Holy (original Helig, helig). Text + Music: Ingemar Olsson.
  2. When I survey. Text: Isaac Watts; Music: Hugh Wilson. : Cam Floria.
  3. Agnus Dei. Text + Music: M.W.Smith.
  4. Grace on grace. Text + Music: Don Francisco. ©Crack O’Noon music/Small Stone Media
  5. Almighty, most Holy God. Text + Music: Wayne Watson.
  6. Mighty Spirit. Text + Music: J.Olds.
  7. O, for a thousand tongues. Text + Music: Bonnie Deuschle.
  8. Whiter than snow. Text + Music: Nicholson/PD; Arr. Ralph Carmichael.
  9. A quiet place. Text + Music: Ralph Carmichael.
  10. What a friend we have in Jesus. Text + Music: Charles Converse. Arr. Cam Floria.
  11. Deep River. Text + Music: PD; Arr. Kurt Kaiser.
  12. Wasn’t that wonderful. Text + Music: PD; arr.Barker.
  13. Break Thou the bread of life. Text + Music: Sherwin; arr. Cam Floria.

The most recent song is number one, the oldest song is number 13. With great care were the old recordings digitalized and edited. This all happened in the Groovity Studio in Amersfoort by Wilkin de Vlieger. A SONGBOOK is available on this CD. Price: CD 10 Euro, Songbook 10 Euro. You can order easily online via type at ‘trefwoord’ Continentals and you get a list of all albums available.  You can order as well via Continental Sound:  (via )  plus shipping costs. This CD is a unique masterpiece and a tremendous blessing. Label number: Free 3119

More news: REUNION FOR ALL CONTINENTALS! This will happen in April 2018. You can be part of that. How it works, see

Additional information

Dimensions 40 × 40 × 40 cm



Large, Mediun


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